
Be the one who knows and not the one to loose.

It is never perfect. Life is all about chances. Some get it, some don't. It doesn't mean that one is above other. As far as I have seen it, those who really deserve it, seldom get it. Still what you make of what you have is in your hands. But sometimes you also have to let things go. And by letting go I mean only letting go of what is not in your control. If something is still in your control, I cannot force enough, keep working for it. You have around 100 years on this Earth. And trust me, its a long time. Instead of getting bored with normal life, make it spicy with strange innovations. Anyway world is dying. In some years nobody will even exist around to recollect what was the world all about.

Rules are good. And I don't think they are meant to be broken. They are meant to design and shape the dream you see with open eyes. How you use the rules is the main issue?

Everything does not need to have meaning. Alot of times, its just a human's fragment of imagination. The imagination that has changed the world from neolithic ages. I have known people who were regarded intelligent after they died. Does that mean they were ahead of their time. Not really. It only means that the others took more time to evolve and understand what their predecessors were trying to tell. The crowd is not always wrong. But sometimes you need to lead it too. But don't try to do something you cannot. Trying to fit the shoes which were never made for you can be lethal not only to yourself but everybody around you. You will not only be the end of yourself but others too.

Stop today for a while. Spend time with your soul. Look yourself into the mirror. Listen to what your mind and soul are trying to tell you. Somewhere inside something is giving you all  the answers you need. If only you listened, you will find what you are looking for. All humans are same. Some just choose to listen to their selves.

Find that exhilaration. Sometimes the only drug you need is yourself. No amount of intoxication is powerful than the thrill you get when you listen to the inner one. Its not easy. But if some can do it, all of us can too,

Be the one who knows and not the one to loose.


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