
The way it is truly meant to be.

The most useful tool for a human is it's brain. The level of intelligence that a brain acquires from early age till it fully matures decides the aptitude of a person. People happen to be from various spheres of life. They learn similar yet different things throughout their life because each and everyone of us perceives life in a different way. There is a reason why Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagvata Gita were written. They provide with the most basic etiquettes required by a human in order keep the harmony and balance in this world. But as we move forward, we forget our roots. We don't live our lives but endure it. And as a result we spread on the same thing to others. Our disappointments, failures, jealousies, opinions and a constant need to satisfy the so called human ego. 

Its natural that in this long journey of life we have and will meet alot of people. These people will not affect our life in any manner if we don't let them to. If observed closely we will find, each and every single one of them has a story to tell. The only question I ask is, "Is there a story to tell?"

In lieu of becoming the centre piece of the stage people create a drama around the normal circumstances of life. Telling and retelling the scenes again and again until it becomes the ultimate reality for them. What they don't understand is that nobody around them is really listening to their side of speech. Every single one of them is working on the construction of their own saga, even if it is not a convincing one. 

Human mind creates a web of stories around us. These stories provide it hope and helps it to survive. But there is a reason why we also have a heart. And only when we find a balance between the both of them can we truly live our lives. 

Understanding our role and working for it is the only way that we can truly be happy. And if we find that balance then we will not require to tell our story. It will be told by those who would be inspired by it. The way it is truly meant to be.


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