
The past deeds will chase the future existence.

The fire was born to free earth of its sins. The earth burnt for years to make herself worthy of life. When she finally became worthy it rained floods to give her peace and comfort. Wind gave her breath and thus the chain of an amazing creation started. In her long span of life she saw everything. Various creation of life, their end and birth of a new species all over again. Then came a species which thought it could dominate the earth and become her king. Like a virus it tried to take over her natural functions and thus started a fight for existence. A fight between nature and humanity. In its short span of life human killed so much of Earth that no amount of fire,water and wind was sufficient to free earth of its disease. In turn she became ill and now is bedridden. She is slowly awaiting its death that is now inevitable. With wrinkles of tiresome on her face, she has now given up hope. She now only vomits and shivers and whole of the living species can feel her tremors. No wonder we are looking for another home on another planet. Like rats leaving a sinking ship we are preparing ourselves for the same. But keep it in your heart and never forget these words. The past deeds will chase the future existence. You can kill to survive but eventually WILL run out of hunt. The slow and painful death will then remind you of what you did to the only home that was truly yours. The only place where you were the first citizens in the world of billions of species. You threw away your privilege and then you would be denied any more.

Stop now. Think right now. Its all around you. Very small things that you could do. For if not now then the chain of rebirth will bring you back again and again to finish what you should have started. And until then you will never be free. You will remain around even if you change your present body. For what goes around, Comes around.


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