
I am good at heart.

Its really strange how fast world around you changes. People who were once your heartthrob seem so strange. Not because there is a change of opinion or thought process but because you have both drifted  apart with time.Maybe that's the part of growing up. You move on with change and move on from everybody else. I wonder what our forefathers fought for. Was it for a community full of beings who would learn to survive for their own-self or was it for everybody to grow as a community. I have witnessed such events throughout my life where not the strangers but so called people who designate themselves as relatives would come to you with world full of love and affection just so they can gain from you. But the moment its time to return the favour they become cold and indifferent. At that moment its not even the blood or family name we share.There is nothing except for a cold, harsh reality that they never cared enough for anyone but themselves. All they always cared was this selfish intent which will allow them to leech out every drop of life if they have to so that they can survive.

So what was it that made our warriors from old times and freedom fighters from modern era to fight. Honestly, I have no idea. I support the idea of being self sufficient. But not on someone else's cost. But is it a code everybody should live with? Who knows?

This is something that I know. No one cares for what anyone else is going through. If they show that they do then there is a 80% chance that there is something in it for them. Why 80%? Well because there is 20% solid chance  of some people who are with you without a slightest hint of selfishness. I am blessed with some of them. But then I am also surrounded with those 80% people. And the balance is tipped but I am learning my way to throw those 80% out of my life. After 25 years its still a challenging task but hey! I am good at heart!!!.


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