
Adam (Introduction)

Have you ever believed in a supreme power?
Do you think there is someone greater than all of this?
That you are just a part of a great plan.

If you haven't... then why?
If you have...
Then what if I say you are right.

What if I say,"there is a supreme power which is greater than you". There is a great plan. There is someone who is not only greater than you but is so powerful that he created you and everything around you. You know him as your father. You know him as your protector. You know him as GOD! But you really don't know him. He never  shows himself. Yet he never ceases to exist. Every step ahead in your life is an intangible realization of his powers. Or is it all just a feeling?

The world was created thousands of years ago. And you might be amazed to know that it was not planned but a string of coincidences that created it. And that the creator was infact just playing around at the time when he accidentally created it.

The Genesis.

Episode 1 : Paru

It was a warm evening in Paru and a special day for its citizens as they were celebrating the birth of their new prince. The heir to the throne after the great king of Paru...

Please wait for more as its coming right up... in my mind. ;)


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