
The Zero Hour

Date: 30th Aug 2015
Writer: Stuti Sharma                                                                                                          

The Zero Hour

It was a warm evening in Mumbai. Dr. Ashok was deeply occupied in his work when the door of the lab opened. He looked up to see his daughter enter the labs.

“So what is an astrophysicist doing in the labs of nuclear research? “He asked his daughter smiling.

“A daughter is looking for her old father actually”, She said teasingly to him.

He chuckled without moving eyes from his work.

“Papa, Lets go. I am starving.”

“One minute dear. I am nearly done.”

“Okay…” Ashmin started to look around his office.

It was like any other researcher’s office. His equipment covered most of the part. The walls were covered with formulas and flow charts for chemical compounds. Most of his work was complete except for the one in the middle of the wall. It was an equation which was incomplete. She went near it to get a closer look. Observing it for a while she picked a pen from the stand and started to write on the white board and started scribbling. Mr. Roy finished his work and looked up at his daughter when he saw his daughter writing on the formula. He got up quietly from his desk and went and stood behind her to see what she was doing.
Completely engrossed in her work Ashmin was unaware of her father’s observation. She completed the formula and at the end after equating both the terms concluded it by writing RHS=LHS H.P
(Right hand side=Left hand side, hence proved)
She stepped back to observe the whole equation. When she heard her father. “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. You solved it. I have been working on it for months now.” Mr. Roy was wide eyed with pleasant astonishment and had a huge smile on his face. He came shoulder to shoulder with Ahsmin and both of them were looking at the equation with total wonder.
“What is it dad?”
“This is a formula to control the effects of a nuclear blast. With this not only can we control the harmful radiation of a nuclear weapon but also abort a nuclear threat completely. This can change the course of time. Save millions of lives and ultimately put an end to the threat of a nuclear war.”
Both of them were so engrossed in their talks that they failed to notice the company who was intently listening to every word they saying.
“Ahem Ahem”, Ronit cleared his throat to attract their attention.
Both of them turned to see him.
“Ronit”, exclaimed Ashimin. “Where were you? I was here all day.”

“I am sorry. I was busy with work. How are you?” Ronit asked.
“I am fine.” said Ashmin coming forward to hug him.
He hugged her back and broke the embrace to hold her by the shoulder and said,” I can see you have changed. Some astrophysicist you are?” He teased her.
“You are speaking with Doctor Ashmin. The Chief scientist of Indian Institute of Astrophysics” She said proudly.
They went quiet for a moment and then burst out laughing. All this while Mr. Roy was watching them meet. Both of them had been friends from their college time. Even their parents became close because of their friendship. Ronit Mehta was a son of a Business tycoon of the country. But unlike other rich kids he studied hard and was now on the way of becoming a prized scientist of the country.
“Ronit. You won’t believe what just happened. Ashmin completed the equation. Its finally complete.” He announced enthusiastically.
“What are you saying uncle? “ Ronit went towards the white board to observe the equation.
“Uncle, do you know what that means? We can change the world.” While Ronit was busy observing the equation nobody seemed to notice the mischievous gleam his eyes had when he was observing the equation.
“Uncle if we hurry we can still document it and send it for practical analysis.”
“You are right. We can work the weekend and have the results by Monday.”
It was time for Ashmin to clear her throat. “Ahem Ahem.”
She came closer to the board, picked up the duster and turned to face both the boys. “If you both don’t show yourselves out of the labs right now then the beautiful equation will be rubbed away in front of your eyes before you utter any word.”
Both of them were horrified at the sight of the duster and screamed in unison, “Noooooooo….”.
“Wait … we can negotiate it.” Said Mr. Roy with both hands held in a way to stop her from doing the most horrible thing imaginable.
“I am listening.” Said Ashmin still clutching the duster in one hand and other hand on her hips complete with an irritated look on her face.
“How about you give me an hour and then we all go for dinner out.” said Mr. Roy trying to sound like a Santa Claus but failing all the same.
“How about you wrap up now and get to keep a solved equation till Monday because if it hadn’t been for me it would still be sitting here unsolved and unthreatened. “ Ashmin said with malicious smile and squinting her eyes to see if she would be challenged any further.
10 minutes later they were all driving out from the labs towards the city for dinner.
Mr. Roy parked his car out of the restaurant and the three of them entered it for an evening of celebration.
Upon spotting an empty table Ronit and Ashmin started to settle. Mr. Roy excused himself to freshen up a little. Both of them grabbed the menus and started going through it. Both of them were quiet for a moment when Ronit glanced up from his menu and had a quick glance around.  Seeing Mr. Roy was nowhere in sight said,” I have to talk to you.”
Ashmin looked up from the menu and looking at the seriousness on his face put the menu down.
“What happened Ronit? Is everything all right?”
“No Ashmin. Everything is not all right.” With this he moved his hand to hold hers. “You said you will tell him when you return. Don’t you think it’s time now?”
Ashmin held his hand and said,” I know you want me to tell him about us. And I will. I just need to find the right moment.”
“It is the right moment baby. Please let’s get married. We both are settled. There could never be a better time.”
“I agree. And I promise I will do it as soon as possible.”
Both of them smiled at each other. And Ashmin hastily pulled her hand from him for her father was approaching them.
They all sat down and ordered food and wine to celebrate family and success.
It was late by the time Ashmin had dropped off Ronit at his home and reached home with her father.
She decided that it was time to tell her father about her feelings for Ronit. With a warm glass of milk she knocked on his door. ”May I come in papa?”
Mr. Roy looked up from a book he was reading and smiled, “My dear. Please do.”
She placed the glass of milk on the side table and sat on the bed. “Its late papa, you should sleep now.”
“Yes I will in a minute.”
Ashmin hesitated for a moment but she knew that if not now it might take forever to tell him. So she mustered her strength and when she opened her mouth she could not recognise her own voice. In a squeaky little voice she said, “Papa I need to tell you something.”
Mr. Roy stopped drinking his milk and asked, “Yes honey what it is?”
Clearing her throat she said, “Papa I .... Ronit….We…..I like Ronit and …he likes me.”
Both of them went quiet for a moment. Ashmin knew that her dad is a very understanding person. But being a dad of a daughter brings out all type of personalities in a human being. Especially when you are one of the Indian dads. She started counting to ten while she looked down her hands checking her fingernails.
When Mr. Roy spoke it was as if he was chuckling. ”Oh, that’s good. Now I don’t have to convince you to meet his parents tomorrow then.”
She could not believe what she just heard. Looking up she found her father smiling at her knowingly.
“Do you really think I don’t know things going around me? I have seen you both grow up together. There could be no better match for you. He is smart, intelligent, has a good family background. I thought you might take forever to tell me hence I took the liberty of talking to his parents and as it turns out they are very happy with the arrangements. Hence we will be deciding on marriage arrangements tomorrow. So I would suggest you wear something more traditional to meet them.”
Ashmin was overjoyed and hugged her father tightly. Mr. Roy was happy beyond words.
The next day was a blur of activities. From getting up till the Mehta’s arrival with their son and departure late in the evening after dinner was all magical for Ashmin. Ronit held her hand whenever they had a chance. Mr. and Mrs. Mehta blessed her on every move and the over joyous expressions on her dad’s face was priceless. The engagement was decided to be held in a week following which she will leave for Bangalore and after two months the dates for wedding had been fixed. Life was perfect at this moment. It was a moment of complete contentment.
It was 4:00 A.M in the morning when the phone rang. Ashmin answered it.
“Hello, I am the security manager from DAE labs. Is Mr. Roy around?”
“I am his daughter. What is it?”
“Madam, there was a fire. Mr. Roy’s lab caught fire. We have controlled it now but everything inside is destroyed.”
“Oh my god. Is anyone hurt?”
“No madam. But labs will be closed for a week. Please inform him.
It was shocking to hear this news. Mr. Roy, Ashmin and Ronit went there in the afternoon to see the ruins. All the work he had done so far had gone. There was nothing but black ashes all around them. It was all gone.
The following week was filled with investigation from both police and DAE. The engagement was postponed for an undetermined time. Ashmin & Ronit were close to Mr. Rao throughout the investigation. Mr. Rao was a wise man. He handled the situation quite well. His ability to cope up with situations like these was the strength for everybody.
The week ended like time had got wings. It was soon time for Ashmin to leave. She insisted on Mr. Rao to stay home. Hence it was only Ronit with her driving to the airport. The car halted in front of the airport’s entrance.
“I will manage it from here”, said Ashmin.
 “Are you sure. I can come inside.”
“Its all right babe. I want you to go home and take care of my papa.”
“Hey, don’t you worry about him. He is a strong man. I will never leave his side.”
“Thank you dear.”
With this Ashmin got down from the car and Ronit handed her the luggage. Pushing her trolley she disappeared in the crowd. It was then when his cell phone rang. He pulled it out and saw the number flashing on the screen. He turned from the crowd, stood near his car and answered the phone.
“Don’t yes me. What is the update?”
“I told you there is no update. Everything is destroyed. I told you not to meddle with anything. It will take time now.”
“I don’t have time. You have made some promises and you know what happens with those who break promises in our field.”
“Don’t threaten me. You will get the formula when I ask the girl to do it for me. Right now the situations are not right.”
“Then make them right.”
“You listen to me. I have done everything you asked me to. But now situations are tricky. Pay me more and I will get it for you even if I have to kill the old man myself.”
“You will get double of the previous amount when the job is done.” With this the call was disconnected. Ronit put the phone in his pocket and sat in his car driving away from the airport.
He reached Mr.  Rao’s house. And went inside. Mr. Rao was sitting on his study table.
“Oh yes Ronit come”
Ronit smiled and sat on the chair near him. With a concern in his voice he said, “Uncle with the fire your formula was also destroyed. We will have to start everything once again .I am so sorry. It was a major breakthrough.”
“Ah yes, it was. But my son I am a scientist, I overthink everything. I had taken a snapshot of the formula with my smartphone before leaving. Once the lab is set I will start my work again.”
Ronit was surprised but he hid his expression with a smile and said, “I am glad uncle.” He thought for a second and said Uncle, “Ashmin said she has left her laptop here. If you could give that to me I will get it back to her.”
“Oh ok. Wait here. I know where she leaves her things.” With this Mr. Rao left from the room.
Ronit started to look for Mr. Rao’s cell phone. While he was rummaging through Mr. Rao’s things he failed to notice the halting sound of a car in the porch. The front gate opened and someone entered the house. Ronit found the cell phone in the table drawers. He started to unlocked it.
He turned to see Mr. Rao standing on the door.
 “What are you doing?” It took Mr. Rao split of seconds to understand everything. “Give me my phone.” Mr. Rao said sternly. Ronit knew there was no way to cover himself now. He pulled a knife out and pointed it at Mr. Rao.
“It can go easily also. Nobody has to die today. Step away from the door.” Mr. Rao entered the room and stepped away from the door. Ronit faced Mr. Rao and slowly started to move backwards to the door.”I am sorry but you have seen enough”, with this he rammed the knife inside Mr. Rao’s guts. Mr. Rao hit the floor with a thud sound clutching the knife and gagging blood from his mouth he died on the spot. Ronit turned to leave when he is stopped in his track by someone standing on the door.
Ashmin had seen everything. Tears started filling her eyes. She was looking from Ronit to Mr. Rao bewildered to see the whole thing. Ronit knew he was caught in his act. He thought fast and started, “Ashmin you don’t know who your father was. He was with terrorists.I was trying to protect you, all of us.” Ashmin came near her father’s dead body and pulled the knife out crying histerically.
“Nooooooo…..”, she cried.
Ronit sat beside her. Carrying on his lies. And wrapping his arm around her. “Baby please dont cry. I had to I am sorry. Please forgive me.”
Still clutching the knife in her hand Ashmin looked up from her father’s dead body after what seemed like ages and turned to see Ronit. Ronit looked back with understanding eyes and kissed her lightly on her head. Tears filled her eyes again. And when she spoke everything she knew had changed completely.
“Ronit?”,she spoke with coarse voice.
“Yes babe.”
“I know everything.”
An expression of shock passed Ronit’s face and before he could do anything Ashmin rammed the knife in his gut and pulled it out. Everything took place in split of seconds. Ronit had no idea what had happened. He fell on the floor blood streaming out of his stomach and mouth. Ashmin stood up and looking at him said,”I came out to see you off once again when I heard you speaking on the phone. I heard everything but I was slow. If I could only have reached here early….” Tears flowed down her eyes as the world around her crashed completely.
Ronit heard her say everything and with the last exhale of breath,lay there dead beside her father.
Ashmin came out of the room and wiped her face of tears. She pulled the blue scarf from her neck and wrapped the knife with it and put it inside her purse. She came out of the house and walked a little. She hailed an auto and in a blink of an eye she sat in the Starbucks cafe of Mumbai Airport, sipping her coffee and staring out of the window. The blood stained knife lay next to her handbag, covered with her blue silk scarf. Everything was destroyed in minutes.
The world had suddenly stopped moving. Suddenly her cellphone rang noisily. She picked it up and said,” Hello”
“Hello, is it Miss Ashmin?”
“Madam,I am calling from Mumbai Police department. I am sorry to inform you but your father and your fiancé have been found dead in your home. It looks like murder.You have to come home.”

The airline announced the final call for departure of the flight for Bangalore. Ashmin picked up her bag and collected her luggage. She hailed a cab and on the way all she could think was the stupid formula she completed which had ruined her life, which was her ZERO HOUR.


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