We have all got problems. We hear people say that childhood decides the future. If that was the case then we would never have Tom Cruise and Eminem. They would have victimized themselves and kept themselves to a corner fading into a shadow. Sometimes, you wish you had faded. The very people who you meant to see you are appalled at the very sight of you. You may think there is a problem with you, but you need to understand that there could be a problem with them too. Maybe, your haunted childhood affected you very little because inside you are a Tom Cruise and outside you are Eminem shouting out loud about the hurt you have felt till now. Maybe you are affected by childhood of those who themselves are still haunted by their childhood and refuse to let go. Your presence, your idea of coming out of that trauma is revolting to them. You see, they want to be victims, and you, you want to be a protector. A protector who saves himself from drowning and the others don't want that. Y...