With the dead lies memories, with the living lies the ghost of the dead.
We are all surrounded by ghosts. The ghosts of our expectation.The ghosts of our past.The ghosts of the future we think we could have. But the one that haunts us for all our life is the ghost that we can never be rid of. It is the ghost of our disappointments... It stands in every corner and walks with you every step. It stops you in your track when you want to take a leap of faith. It threatens to grow bigger when you put your hopes on something. But when you listen to one of your ghosts the other creeps up to haunt you. You think you can escape but there is no escaping. The heart can yearn but not escape cos even if you find an escape there are faces of those few which will come in front of you and make it difficult to run away and forget. I could never understand what is tough? To live as one's will or not to live up to someone else's expectation. Every time I close my eyes I see faces I have disappointed. Amidst it I see myself looking at me with question...